Fujitsu is improving sustainability with a global climate and energy vision
As a global company, Fujitsu feels a responsibility to lead the way on corporate sustainability. This is why Fujitsu carefully developed a clear Climate and Energy Vision to guide our future. Part of this vision is reaching zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, we planned three phases. Phase one was scheduled from 2013 to 2020 and included deploying conservation technologies that already exist, verifying new energy conservation technologies, and moving forward with the use of low-carbon energy. Phase two is in progress now and by 2030, we should transition to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB). Finally, from 2030 to 2050, phase three will accelerate implementation of easy-to-use renewable energy and supplement offsets from carbon credits to reach zero carbon dioxide emissions.
Global corporate renewable energy initiative
The Fujitsu Climate and Energy Vision also includes goals to contribute to a decarbonized society. We plan to utilize AI and other advanced digital technologies to maximize energy efficiency. Fujitsu also wants to contribute to measures in society to adapt to climate change. This means using AI, data, and simulations through sensing technology and high-performance computing (HPC) to enable a resilient societal infrastructure and stable supply of agricultural products.Fujitsu is proud to be a gold member of RE100 (Renewable 100%). RE100 is a global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of large and ambitious businesses committed to 100% renewable energy. Fujitsu is the first Japanese company to join. Globally, Fujitsu has performed 13,000 volunteer hours for environmental activities. Fujitsu is one of the few companies that is beginning to research the impact that working from home has on the environment. Recently, the Environmental pillar put out a work from home survey and looks forward to sharing the results.
Regional sustainability efforts
As part of Fujitsu’s commitment to sustainability, the campus in Sunnyvale, California is already operating with 100% renewable energy, while the campus in Richardson, Texas operates with 50% renewable energy. And Fujitsu is always looking to the future for new ideas that will help us with sustainability. This may include e-business cards, making our campuses paper-free, or using regenerative marketing. Fujitsu Network Communications is always looking for new ideas to be part of the positive efforts to improve climate change.
Sustainability efforts at the local level
One of the Employee Resource Groups at Fujitsu in Richardson, Texas, is the Green Action Team (GAT). The GAT falls under the Environmental Pillar of Fujitsu’s Responsible Business Committee. The employees in GAT are passionate about making a positive impact on the environment, promoting the Fujitsu Climate and Energy Vision, and supporting Fujitsu’s sustainability goals with local actions and initiatives. Some of the ongoing activities they have introduced to improve sustainability at headquarters includes eliminating plastic (including plastic water bottles and Styrofoam cups), switching to stainless steel cutlery, and changing the vending machines to cans only. In the nearby community, the team has worked with the Richardson Parks and Recreation department to pick up trash and clear trails. They have also developed a relationship with the Texas Trees Foundation. Fujitsu has sponsored $10,000 for a tree planting through the Fujitsu Strategic Community Investment Fund, which included planting 92 trees around a local elementary school and giving 50 trees to neighbors.