Using an Element Management System for the Network Transformation of legacy systems
The evolution of communications technology continues to move forward at a rapid pace, driven by the need for always-on connectivity and massive data demand. In order to maintain competitive advantage, agility and profitability, today’s Communications Service Providers (CSPs) need to take full advantage of the latest technological advancements to deliver cutting-edge services and improve efficiency.
However, with many networks running on legacy infrastructure dating back 10 – 20 years or more, much of this equipment is nearing or past the end of its life and it’s no longer supported by the manufacturer. Maintaining an Element Management System (EMS) for this outdated equipment is increasingly challenging, particularly as growing network convergence makes these systems even more complex.
Not only does this situation leave CSPs unable to implement the latest network enhancements, but without firmware updates and security patches, these networks are at risk of cyber breaches and service outages, often affecting thousands of Network Elements (NEs). To minimize risks and maximize profits, CSPs need to modernize their legacy network management with an Element Management System Transformation.
What is Element Management System Ttransformation?
As CSPs re-architect their networks to achieve extreme flexibility and scalability, they are increasingly adopting Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and cloud-native architectures. These technologies enable the introduction of microservices, containerization, and open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), all of which improve how the network is managed, while also helping to create a more sustainable and secure network.
Implementing agile network operations that are streamlined and automated for hybrid infrastructure allows CSPs to embrace centralized cloud-capable, technology-agnostic network management. This provides vital advanced digital infrastructure capabilities, such as embedded intelligence, precision marketing, and deep cross-domain integration.
Yet, with legacy NEs managed by an outdated Element Management System using proprietary interfaces, installed devices cannot be connected to higher layer systems, and device data is not available to inform new and personalized customer offerings. As a result, CSPs are unable to take advantage of technological advances, delaying support for new business requirements and innovative services.
Why is now the best time for an Element Management System solution?
Modern networks that are made up of many different technologies require an Element Management System solution that uses the latest protocols and is capable of spanning all the network layers. By transforming and modernizing the EMS, CSPs can integrate the latest Operational Support System (OSS) using newer APIs, deploy container-based systems in line with overall cloud-native strategy, and improve security and vendor support.
Implementing an Element Management System Transformation initiative keeps legacy assets in service, while allowing the network to take advantage of advanced intelligence and automation, thereby reducing operational expenditures and improving performance. The resulting modernized architecture – in combination with containerized, secure microapplications – prepares the foundation for more profitable, flexible, efficient operations running on a common, up-to-date platform, while extending the life of legacy infrastructure.
Element Management System Transformation provides a functional, flexible network operations model that can scale in minutes, rather than months, with automated scaling. This allows CSPs to quickly increase or decrease capacity per application or function based on traffic demands. Moreover, EMS Network Transformation helps to optimize hardware resources and tie incremental hardware investments to customer satisfaction, rather than technology availability.
Transform for tomorrow
When choosing an Element Management System Transformation solution, it’s important to select a partner with a successful track record and a robust selection of tools. The Fujitsu Element Management System Transformation solution uses containerized, secure microapplications alongside flexible, multivendor network control systems to retire and replace unsupported EMS systems without impacting network traffic.
The Fujitsu Element Management System Transformation starts with replacing outdated systems, including key functions like backup and restore, maintenance routines, protection switching, as well as alarm and performance data streaming. Our phased approach then extends the scope to add new functionality, enabling advanced network analytics and intelligence-driven automation. This reduces the number of legacy EMS systems in service, delivering a consolidated, multidomain view of NEs, while transitioning to a cloud-native environment.
With a Fujitsu Element Management System Transformation solution, element management functions can be transferred from obsolete EMS systems that are essentially frozen in time to next-generation systems. This keeps legacy equipment in service as long as needed, minimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while simplifying operations, and paving the way for implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), analytics and automation.
In this way, CSPs can build more sustainable and secure networks while improving performance and operational efficiency for the delivery of modern, enhanced services with legacy network infrastructure. Watch this video to gain in-depth insights on using Element Management Systems Transformation to leverage modern technologies and architectures.