Title: 5G Orchestration & Service Assurance Digital Symposium
Date: Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 3 hours, 30 minutes
The commercialization of the 5G core (5GC) network in a standalone configuration (SA) will indelibly alter mobile service delivery models. With SA deployments, services adopt a reusable microservices model, are distributed to run at the edge, and implement an API exposure model to support service specific applications and slices. These three attributes will significantly impact both workload orchestration and service assurance systems.
Light Reading’s 5G Orchestration and Service Assurance Symposium investigates in detail the impact of 5G SA deployments on orchestration and service assurance systems and how capabilities such as automation and AI will shape their evolution path.
This symposium will be moderated by Jim Hodges, Research Director, Cloud & Security, Heavy Reading.
11:00 AM Session One – 5G Orchestration
The practice of orchestrating telco workloads in the cloud is not new. However, the additional demands associated with orchestrating microservice-based workloads to provision a new classification of 5G ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services at the edge or even in public clouds is significant. This session will document these new 5G orchestration requirements
and the impact orchestration will have on immediate and future 5G service innovation.
Additional topics to be addressed in this session include:
- Cross-domain orchestration requirements associated with supporting end-to-end slice-based services
- The role of CI/CD in 5G orchestration
- Orchestration requirements for 5G private networks
Nirlay Kundu – Technology Strategy, Architecture & Planning, Verizon
Shahryar Khan – Head of Automation & Systems, Transport, Telia Group
Riccardo Gasparetto Stori – Principal Cloud Architect, Vodafone Group
Kervin Pillay – CTO Automation for Cisco’s Mass Scale Infrastructure Business Unit, Cisco
Paul Colgan – Senior Vice President and Head of Telco,KX
Ofer Farkash – Products & Solutions Marketing Director, Service & Network Automation Solutions – Amdocs
Platinum Sponsor: Amdocs
Gold Sponsors: Cisco, KX
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM BREAK
12.45 PM Session Two – 5G Service Assurance
The 5G orchestrator must work closely with a 5G Service Assurance (SA) system to ensure that an SA system has access to the network and lifecycle data necessary to confirm that 5G performance meets the strict Service Level Agreement (SLAs) thresholds that URLLC will demand.
Since service assurance is typically performed as a centralized function, extending execution to the edge means that even basic capabilities such as root-cause analysis and alarm monitoring must be reengineered to run in a distributed configuration anywhere in the network where mission critical real-time services are supported. This session will investigate 5G SA design requirements and related best-practice design principles.
Additional topics to be addressed in this session include:
- Role of ML and AI in 5G service assurance
- Impact of IoT commercialization on 5G service assurance
- Network slicing 5G service assurance requirements
Troy Saulnier – Network Strategy, Bell
Alex Saada – Cloud Infrastructure Architect, Telenor
Rick Fulwiler – Chief Solutions Architect, Netscout
Rhonda Holloway – Director of Software Product Marketing for Photonics, Fujitsu
Kristen Young – Technology Strategy, Architecture & Planning, Verizon
Joe Torres – Director, Telecommunications Industry Architect, ServiceNow