Robert Worden
Head of Broadband Operations
Robert Worden leads Fujitsu’s Broadband Operations in North America, bringing over 30 years of technology experience to this role. Robert leads teams that build, integrate, and manage data center systems, fiber and wireless networks, and their operating systems for municipal and state governments and electric utilities. Robert’s first Fujitsu engagement was to lead the network construction and operations for the first public-private broadband network in the United States.
Robert Worden
For rural broadband providers, planning for ongoing customer support is vital Delivering fiber broadband services is about more than the network. If you’re thinking about becoming a broadband service provider, it’s vital to plan for ongoing business operations. I’m Robert Worden, Head of Broadband Operations at Fujitsu, here for an open dialogue. Let’s talk about
Robert Worden
New fiber services strengthen business and community Why rural investment matters To live, work, and play in the modern world, you need high-speed fiber broadband internet. However, there are many people, particularly those who live in rural areas, who don’t have access to reliable, affordable broadband service. In recent years, it’s become more important than
Robert Worden
For utilities considering becoming rural broadband service providers, it’s vital to get guidance on business operations as well as network management. Many rural electric co-ops and utilities are considering becoming a broadband internet service provider (ISP) because of the perceived synergies with their existing business of electricity delivery. And while some synergies exist, they’re not
Robert Worden
With the advent of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud technologies, smart infrastructure enabled by high-speed connectivity is now closer than ever to being truly ubiquitous. These trends are driving a variety of advancements across a wide range of industries — from cost-efficiency and better customer service, to enhanced safety and security. The
Robert Worden
Changing market dynamics across the power industry are creating a shift in the way that utilities operate. As more people leave rural America in search of high-tech lifestyles in urban centers, electric cooperatives and public power companies alike are dealing with the realities of customer erosion and an ever-increasing demand from their members to provide
Robert Worden
In Part 1 of this article, we talked about some of the characteristics of a smart city, including hyperconnectivity, people-centric technology, and increased efficiency of city-provided services. But although those things are critically important, they’re not the end of the smart cities story. Economic development is an important driver for most cities considering an upgrade
Robert Worden
Unless you’ve been living in a bunker deep underground for the last ten years, you’ve no doubt heard talk about “smart cities.” Everyone’s talking about it, and a few truly forward thinking cities around the world are making it happen. But what exactly is a “smart city,” and what does it mean to you? The