The 5G RAN uses different RAN capacity technology (mmWave vs. sub 6GHz 5G radios) and is evolving to new architectures. Choices in RAN virtualization and functional splits will have a significant impact on capacity. Conversely, 5G services will vary in capacity and performance requirements.
How can operators build a roadmap for the transport network to create a single infrastructure across backhaul, midhaul and fronthaul? How can they cost effectively meet the requirements of new 5G services absent a ‘one-size-fits-all’ transport solution? How can operators deliver routing and virtualization to support the emergence of denser radio networks? How can network and field operations verify that system performance meets 5G service criteria?
Join this webinar to find out how operators can transform their transport networks to succeed in the 5G era.
Who Should Attend
Mobile operators; fixed-line operators with focus on transport and transmission divisions, network and architecture planning, and network engineering and operations. Also, equipment vendors, chip and component vendors, test and measurement vendors, telecom financial community and industry press.