Key Recommendations for Optical Channel Planning in Flex-grid ROADM Networks The emergence of higher baud rate transponders is fueling …
Learn How Open APIs Automate and Accelerate Service Delivery: A TM Forum follow up
As communication service providers (CSP) transform their business to create new revenue sources in a dynamic environment, they must automate …
How to Extend the Life of the Fixed Grid ROADM Network
With swelling market demand for higher speed services such as 400GbE, or the need to increase bandwidth capacity, service providers are …
Is it Time for MSOs to Modernize their Legacy Networks?
Salvador Dali said “Don’t bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that, whatever you do, you cannot avoid.” Given that …
Why do MSOs Need Open Standards for AI/ML?
It is generally believed that after doing something once, it’s easier to do it again. But the converse applies in the world of network …
What is a Contentionless ROADM?
The ROADM Tutorial Blogs, part 4 In this series of tutorials I explain the key functionality (and their benefits) that underpin …
Balancing Capacity, Distance and Cost with Baud Rate and Modulation
In the previous series of tutorials, Fujitsu’s Francois Moore explained the key functionality and benefits that underpin …
Putting It All Together: The Power of Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
Service providers are rapidly transforming their networks to deliver competitive and affordable 5G services, and cell site densification is …
Demystifying 400ZR and ZR+ Coherent Optical Technology: Webinar Replay Now Available
If you missed the Fujitsu co-sponsored webinar, “400ZR and ZR+: Enabling Next-Generation Data Center Connectivity” or want to listen again, …