Thanks to Moore's Law - an empirical law dating from 1965 which states that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every …
Service Providers
What is SBOM and why is SBOM security critical to Open RAN?
As Open Radio Access Network (RAN) architecture gains transformative momentum, including significant government support and funding, …
How Open RAN’s sustainability advantages support net-zero carbon targets
Despite ongoing expansions and continued, double-digit traffic growth, mobile network operators have ambitious sustainability goals. …
Pushing the boundaries of optical network reach, capacity and speed
Sometime around 490 BC, the Greek runner Pheidippides is said to have sprinted from Marathon to Athens, about 26 miles, to announce the …
What’s the story with edge networking?
What is edge networking? Edge networking consists of the access and aggregation elements of the transport network. In our context, we are …
Top 5 signs it’s time to modernize your legacy network
It’s an age-old story of good news and bad news… The good news is that escalating demand for data and cloud services continues to drive …
Will Open RAN usher in 6G technology innovation?
Adoption of 5G is continuing at such a rapid pace, analysts now predict that 5G connections will reach nearly 2 billion worldwide by the end …
How to build an efficient, scalable 5G edge network
Edge networks to support 5G need an open, innovative solution ecosystem. And they need flexibility to evolve rapidly as demand and …
Unleash the power of data with AI classification & clustering techniques
Empowering Data-Driven Decision Making Artificial intelligence (AI) classification and clustering techniques are generating new insights …