The first blog in this series focused on the resurgence of synchronization transport requirements in order to support the deployment of low …
Service Providers
How committed are service providers to virtualization and AI/ML?
According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), global mobile data traffic, including Machine-to-Machine (M2M) traffic, is …
Open Dialogue: Unwind RAN complexity with Service Management & Orchestration
A unified, cloud-native automation platform for O-RAN Did you know there's now a unified, cloud-native automation platform for O-RAN? …
Fyuz 2022 offers a glimpse into the future of 5G, open networks, and the Metaverse
The Fyuz 2022 conference, held in Madrid in October, centered around Open RAN; Telecom Infrastructure Project (TIP); and the …
Fujitsu’s sustainability mission combines global commitment with local action
Fujitsu is improving sustainability with a global climate and energy vision As a global company, Fujitsu feels a responsibility to lead …
What is Network Synchronization?
And How Synchronization Requirements are Evolving Networks are made up of equipment in different locations, communicating with each …
How is Open RAN deployment shaping up?
One of the questions put to me during September’s Fierce Open RAN Summit was whether, based on initial deployments, Open RAN is living up to …
Where are we with Open RAN, and where are you?
Network operators have one eye trained on the rollout of their 5G services, and the other is focused on a future of unforeseen challenges …
How Can We Address ICT Challenges?
Annie Bogue, chief operating officer and head of sales and marketing, Fujitsu Network Communications I recently had the pleasure of …