The importance of O-RAN Open Fronthaul Specification If we are to believe certain prominent wireless vendors, the idea of opening up the …
5G Networks
Why do we need green technologies for 6G?
Improving sustainability through green technologies for 6G Why does climate change matter for business leaders? Recently, rising …
Accelerated Interoperability testing speeds O-RAN integration
Interoperability has always been challenging, but with 5G Open RAN’s multivendor environment, that challenge is a lot more urgent and …
How will AI/ML and network automation drive 5G infrastructure evolution?
Let’s start out by explaining why capabilities enabled by Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and network automation will …
How committed are service providers to virtualization and AI/ML?
According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), global mobile data traffic, including Machine-to-Machine (M2M) traffic, is …
Fyuz 2022 offers a glimpse into the future of 5G, open networks, and the Metaverse
The Fyuz 2022 conference, held in Madrid in October, centered around Open RAN; Telecom Infrastructure Project (TIP); and the …
Fujitsu’s sustainability mission combines global commitment with local action
Fujitsu is improving sustainability with a global climate and energy vision As a global company, Fujitsu feels a responsibility to lead …
How is Open RAN deployment shaping up?
One of the questions put to me during September’s Fierce Open RAN Summit was whether, based on initial deployments, Open RAN is living up to …
Where are we with Open RAN, and where are you?
Network operators have one eye trained on the rollout of their 5G services, and the other is focused on a future of unforeseen challenges …