Ray Diaz
Engagement & Analytics Leader
Ray Diaz is an Engagement & Analytics Leader at Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. His cross-functional leadership role is focused on delivering broadband network solutions and insights for customers entering into or expanding a broadband network business. Ray’s expertise includes market assessments, financial analytics, and strategic planning. He also leads cross-functional projects encompassing subject-matter experts across a range of domains such as network design, construction, operations, and maintenance. Ray has held several roles in the telecommunications and boating industries including strategy, consumer insights, sales analysis, product management, and operations management. He has a Master of Science degree in Business Analytics from Arizona State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Purdue University. Outside of work, Ray enjoys hiking and mountain biking.
Ray Diaz
Put BEAD funding to work for your broadband deployment project What’s the biggest challenge in broadband deployment? According to small and mid-sized operators, their top concern is the workforce shortage. There aren’t enough skilled people to fill the 150,000 to 205,000 jobs that BEAD funding is expected to create in the US. If the lack
Ray Diaz
Velocity and efficiency are key to maximizing the return on broadband infrastructure investments In my previous blog in this Digital Infrastructure Investment blog series, I focused on risk. Now I turn my attention to Return On Investment (ROI) in broadband infrastructure projects. The first phase in the lifecycle is planning and network design, also known
Ray Diaz
Since its inception in 2021, the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) has awarded more than $1.78 billion to help 191 tribal governments, other tribal organizations, and colleges bridge the digital divide with high-speed tribal internet services. Now, the NTIA is preparing to award new construction grants totaling over $900 million in a second round of
Ray Diaz
Get your shovels ready The floodgates to the $42.5 billion federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program funds are starting to open. In December 2023, Louisiana became the first state to be approved, unlocking the state’s $1.3 billion allocation. “We will start executing on shovel-ready projects in 2024,” said Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards.
Ray Diaz
Fujitsu board-ready study A lot of organizations that want improved broadband services often hire a consultant to do a feasibility study. You have to assess the market, create an initial design, and decide on the business model. What’s different with Fujitsu is that we have a more comprehensive view. A lot of feasibility studies are